Brickhire Inc
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
Information Technology Software Manager
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Job Description
Information Technology Software Manager sought by a Job-seekers Specialists Co. in Winston-Salem, NC to: Plan, coord, & oversee the dvlpmt, implmtn, & maintenance of s/ware projects. Define project scope, objectives, deliverables, & timelines. Reqmts: Bach's deg in comp engg, Comp Sci, rltd field, or foreign equiv; 2 yrs of exp in the Job offered or related field; Can telecommute from any location w/in the U.S; 2 yrs of exp working in prgmg languages such as PHP Java, C++ or others relevant to the organization's tech stack, eLearning platforms, Learning Mgmt Systems (LMS), & authoring tools, eLearning standards, such as SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) or xAPI (Exp API), YII2 framework & customizations, agile & waterfall s/ware dvlpmt methodologies. Send resume to: Brickhire Inc, atte Stephanie Dayton, 2395 Lakeview Dr, Melbourne, FL 32935.